Monday, May 11, 2015

An Overview of an ALT's Job

Most English-speaking foreigners I know are or were Assistant Language Teachers or ALT's. ALT's are foreign English teachers in Japanese public schools. This is the most common ticket of foreigners to live and work in Japan.

If you're planning to apply as an ALT in Japan, here are some truths about the job. Whether the following are good or bad is entirely up to your perspective.


An assistant's job in any field is to provide support to the main character. This is what basically being an ALT means. You have to provide support based on how the main teacher needs you. Some ALT's are needed to just repeat words in the classroom, like a tape recorder. Some ALT's are asked to come up with 5-10 minute warm-up or review games. Some ALT's are asked to think of games, make worksheets, sing songs and talk about their culture. Your task as an ALT depends largely on what the main teacher will ask you to do.

On my first weeks as an ALT, I had a hard time adjusting to the role of an assistant. Before coming to Japan, I was in control on my own classes. It took time for me to accept that I'm now just an assistant. I can make suggestions but it's the main teacher who will ultimately decide what I should do in the classroom.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Things You'll Learn Living Abroad

It's been almost 3 years since I moved to Japan.

I was halfway through my 26th year then and now I'm halfway to my 30th year.

Wow! Time flies fast indeed.

I've grown a lot in the last three years than all my early 20's combined, I think. Living abroad forced me to grow up, improve, change and take a hard look at myself. It sounds like it's really enlightening to live abroad. It is. But not without lots of tears, homesickness and frustrations. I never been so sad and depressed until I move abroad. I've never been so broken and so humbled until I live abroad.

But it's not all sorrow and sadness. Living abroad is also freeing. I didn't have to live up to anyone's expectations. I'm free from my own culture. I'm free to discover who I really am and who I wanted to be. It's when I live abroad that I became honest with myself. I didn't realize how I needed to be away from home to feel at home with myself. Living abroad is not only discovering a new place but also a journey to self-discovery.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Things to Do in Golden Week

Hattasan Soneiji Temple, Fukuroi
Golden Week in Japan is a collection of 4 holidays in a week. It starts from April 29, then May 3 to 5. A lot of companies also cancel work from April 30 to May 2 completing a full week as a holiday. Hence, the term "GOLDEN WEEK."

Golden week is one of the three busiest times in Japan. The other two are during Obon and New Year's Celebration. Tourism is at its peak both locally and internationally. I tried booking a tour for Fuji Five Lakes 2 weeks ago but the agent said it's already full until May 6th. It's probably the same with other tour agencies. If not fully booked, prices are expected to be more expensive. Airports and train stations are anticipating a large influx of tourists. If you're a foreigner who's planning to come to Japan, this is not the best time to go.

If you're not up for travelling during this time, you can do these things instead.
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