Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Avoid Dry Scalp and Dry Skin in Winter

My white bear and winter products

Dry scalp and dry skin are major problems during the cold months in Japan. Dry scalp causes dandruff while dry skin can cause chafing. I never had a disturbing case of flaky scalp until I started living in Japan. My skin has never looked so dry, I could almost scratch the surface, until I came to Japan.

To avoid these overall dryness, here are the products I use. I find them effective in the previous cold seasons in Japan:

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Best Companies to Get Teaching Jobs in Japan

Sunset at Lake Hamana, Shizuoka
If you've been thinking of teaching English in Japan, this season is the best time to decide and apply. If you start applying now, you'll have time for the application process and get visas before school starts again in April 2015.

You can start your application for an English teaching post with the companies below. I did not include the JET Program because it's more competitive and  the application process is "mendoksai" (such a bother). I'm only recommending these three companies because they're already established in Japan. They also have more job opportunities than other smaller companies. You'll have more chances landing a teaching job through these companies.Their recruitment process is discussed on their websites so you'll have a clear idea about what to do, what to prepare and what to expect.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Junior High School at Night

Cheating Grandmother (Obachan)
"I think Japanese education is very tolerant. It’s certainly fantastic that we are this devoted to and enthusiastic about the education of non-Japanese people," a Japanese teacher who works for a junior high school AT NIGHT. (Ref: Tofugu, 2014)

Yes, even Japan has night schools. I was surprised to know this, too. I've been teaching here for almost 3 years and I didn't have any idea that Japan has night schools. I only learned about night schools after reading these articles from Tofugu.  Read them too to get a different perspective of Japanese school system.

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