Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Thoughts on Teaching (Random Ramblings on my Free Time)

credit: http://www.cafepress.com/+teacher+stationery

You know what's the most challenging job in the world?

It's being a classroom teacher.

Now before you roll your eyes and think that this another ''We are so proud to be teachers,''post, I'm telling you it's not.

I will not tell you about how hard is lesson planning or checking stacks of papers or making worksheets or even preparing tests . Here's a harsh truth, if you're a teacher for more than 5 years and you still think these are hard, it's time to consider a new career. Seriously.

Anyway, what makes classroom teaching the most challenging job is...

...the number of students!

Friday, April 17, 2015

How to Use Wellnet to Pay for Flights

If you don't have a credit card to pay for flights online, you can use Wellnet.

Wellnet is a Japanese online bills payment company. According to their website. you can buy bus tickets, pay domestic bills and pay flights using their service. I've recently used Wellnet to pay for my flight on Jetstar this July.

All convenience stores in Japan have Wellnet services. That's how wide Wellnet's  services are. But if you cannot read Japanese...

I highly recommend paying at Circle K or Sunkus. The payment machine at Circle K and Sunkus are easy to use. It took me less than 5 minutes to get a receipt and pay my bills at the cashier.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Guest Post: Staying in a Monastery in Japan

hiking trail at Trinity Benedictine Monastery (Fujimi City, Nagano)

This is a guest post from Anthony, an ALT  from Ibaraki Prefecture.
Visit his blog on Christian books at Wonder Workbench.


I recently visited Trinity Benedictine monastery in Fujimi City, Nagano. It was my first time to visit a monastery and I was not really sure what to expect. I just want some peace and quiet. And what could be a better place than a monastery? 
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