Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How I Got an iPhone6

Comic Strip for iPhone6
comic credits: http://ifabworld.blogspot.jp/2014/02/cartoon-strips-for-iphone.html
I felt tricked into buying an iPhone 6.

I know how the world awaited its release and how people braved the lines to have it. But I don't care about iPhone 6 at all. I don't care about Apple products actually. Though I've used an iPhone 5 for 2 years, I could easily be happy with other brands.

So why did I get an iPhone 6? I'm blaming it on the ridiculous marketing strategy of AU KDDI.

My story started 2 years ago in November when I signed a 2-year phone contract with AU. I was new in Japan and I needed a phone which I could use Google Map and Google Translate. My first phone in Japan, a simple black and white fliptop, charged about 6,000 Yen a month. It's just 2,000 Yen short for a smartphone so I decide to change it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

How Much Money to Visit Japan?

somewhere in Morioka, Iwate

How much will I spend when I visit Japan? 

I heard this question many times. I think people ask me either because they're really preparing for their trip or because they're thinking if they can afford it. Lots of people want to see Japan but there's a widespread perception that this place is expensive. 

Is Japan really an expensive place to visit?

I browsed through several blogs trying to answer this question. They're almost unanimous in saying that Japan's expensive if you compare it with other East Asian countries like Korea, China and the tropical countries in the South. However, Japan's considerably cheaper if you compare with Western European countries, the US, Australia and New Zealand.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What To Do When You Lost Your Bus Pass or Train Card?

Nice Pass (Hamamatsu's Bus Pass)
New Year, New Bus Card for Me!
I don't know if my bus card was stolen or if I just unknowingly dropped it. 
Last Friday on my way home, I lost my 2-year bus pass. I don't know really know what happened. I swiped it upon entering the bus. I took a nice nap on the bus then when I woke up, I can't find my bus pass. I searched my pockets, delved into my bags, hunted around my seat but my green bus pass was nowhere to be found. I kept looking and looking until the bus arrived at the station. I was the only passenger left, still madly scrambling for my pass. The driver took pity on me and helped me search around the bus. He just then told me to get off and go to the Lost and Found department of the station.
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