Monday, April 13, 2015

Strawberry Picking in Hamamatsu

Strawberry greenhouse in Hamamatsu
 Who likes strawberries?

I do! I do! I do!

And you probably do too. 

I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't like strawberries.

Luckily, Hamamatsu has a number of strawberry-picking places. You can't pick strawberries all over Japan. Some people have to join tours and travel for hours before they can pick fruits. So, I'm really lucky to be in Hamamatsu.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

3 Great Things About the Senpai System


Senpai (or sempai) generally means senior or mentor. By virtue, a senpai is older and has more experience than his junior/ protege termed as the kohai. 

The senpai system is prevalent in Japanese schools and companies. In schools, younger students consider the upper classmen as their senpai. You can see the senpai system at work especially in sports and music clubs. The freshmen will be under the "mentorship" of an upperclassman. In companies, an entry-level employee will be placed under the responsibility of a senior member. Whether in school or companies, the senpai is expected to train and to guide his kohai, usually for a year. In return, the kohai is expected to respect and obey his senpai. The senpai and kohai relationship may last even after the mentorship term. 

Since I'm a foreigner, I've never been actually under a senpai. But I saw how it worked in my schools and business classes. It may have its downsides but what I have seen, so far, are the good things about it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Visiting Hiroshima and Miyajima

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Peace Park, Hiroshima, Japan
Two of the places I've visited last spring vacation were Hiroshima and Miyajima. Both places are in Chuguko Region, east of Japan.

The world knows the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. I knew it and how Japan surrendered because of it. But when you're actually in the Peace Park and see the images in museum, you won't just know. You'll feel the tragedy. Until I saw how a huge city was turned in ruins, I wouldn't realize the impact of the A-bomb. I was holding back tears seeing pictures of real people who suffered. It didn't help that I rented an audio guide. I heard things too! *sobs*
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