Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is There Racism in Japan?

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I haven't been blogging lately because my right wrist is not well. It's hard to type with one hand. I want to write a lot of things, my head's already bursting with ideas but they have to wait. In the meantime, I'll just post something I've started last week before my wrist got painful. I'll write a conclusion once I can type with both hands.

Is there racism in Japan?

My answer: There's racism everywhere, in any country- rich or poor, developed or developing, communist or democratic. That's the reality of life simply because all people have certain assumptions about other people from different culture. Before you call me a liar and claim that you don't have assumptions and you don't have stereotypes, try to do this activity:

Think of the first word that comes to your mind about citizens of any country - Chinese. Australian, Brazilian, German, etc. etc. The words you associate with them are most probably personal assumptions. (I'd like to explain this from a philosophical standpoint but you might get bored so let's leave it at that.)

So, is there racism in Japan? Yes, there is.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tips When Attending a Yoga Class in Japan

If you're planning to attend yoga classes in Japan, the best tip I can give is learn Japanese. However, it may take you months and years to do that so let's do a shortcut.

If you're a foreigner with basic to zero Japanese level, there are two things you must have to enjoy the classes.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Pain Killers (and other Drugs) in Japan

It's not easy to get medicine in Japan.

First, there's the language problem. A lot of medicines don't have English labels. 

Next, drug stores in Japan are mostly-filled with Japanese medications. There are only a handful of well-known international medicine brand. 

Lastly, over-the-counter-drugs in Japan have lower dosages when compared to other countries. You have to see a doctor and ask for a prescription. That's another difficulty. 

I've been sick in Japan a couple of times. I tried going to the pharmacy and self-medicate but I still end up at the doctor's office asking for prescription. So, I suggest that when you're unwell and don't really know what Japanese medicine to take, do not self-medicate. Just go to the doctor's office. It will save you lots of time. 

But there's one medicine that I need to take almost every month. It's Ibuprofen. Simple language: Pain killers. I usually suffer from menstrual cramps. I can't use that as an excuse for missing work so pain killers it is.
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