A Filipina recently asked me if she should enroll her daughter in a Japanese public school or in a private school. Since she knows I'm a teacher, she asked me what would her daughter gain in a Japanese school.
I told her that her daughter will have language and cultural exposure. I can't think of anything else during that time.
But if I'll be asked again what can you gain from studying in a Japanese school, I'd share the following...
1. You'll have an early training for hard work and time management.
Even if I have part time jobs after working at the school, my tight schedule is nothing compared to the students here. If you're in junior high school, you'll go to school at around 6 or 7 to practice sports. Then you'll have school from 8 to 3. Sports club again until 6 or 8 pm. Then you'll go to cram school or juku. Before you sleep, you have to do homework. You also to give up your weekends for more sports practice. This kind of schedule will get tighter when you go to high school. By the time you enter the Japanese workforce, you'll be more than prepared to work as hard as the others who can survive with barely 4 hours of sleep.